Möt oss på Climate Existence Conference i Sigtuna, 16-18 augusti!

Möt oss på Climate Existence Conference i Sigtuna, 16-18 augusti!

Vi ser fram emot att delta i årets Climate Existence Conference. På fredag morgon den 18 augusti bjuder vi in till en workshop som heter Toxic Heritage, or How to Wash an Island. Vi har fantastiska Eléonore Fauré som särskild gäst, som vi har samarbetat med i den fiktiva turistguiden Rough Planet Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne.

Workshopen kommer vara på engelska och leds av det konstnärliga teamet i Humus economicus – Janna Holmstedt, Malin Lobell och Karin Wegsjö – som också samarbetar i konstplattformen (p)Art of the Biomass.

Om workshopen:
We bring a story about an artificial island in Sweden that most people never have heard of. The island exists because synthetic fertilizers exist. This post-industrial, readymade sculpture created from phosphogypsum stands as a monument over the future optimism of yesteryear, when the green revolution set out to feed the world. Through re-visiting this island and its legacy together with you, we wish to contemplate what kind of heritage it could be said to be; what it asks us to remember, and what kind of ceremonies or economies it might inspire for the future. The session combines film, lecture performance, and co-created speculative storytelling.