JÖRD – en jordworkshop av NOBA, Norwegian Bioart Arena

Den första workshopen som organiserades inom det nya nordiska och baltiska nätverket State of the Art Network, utforskade levande materia och erbjöd en djupdykning ner i olika jordkunskaper. Workshopen genomfördes i Oslo 24-26 mars och erbjöd ett hybridformat där deltagarna kunde medverkade från sina egna temporära kökslaboratorier genom att använda det kit som skickats med post innan workshopen.
Vi bjöds in till att bokstavligt talat plantera våra fötter i jord och mata våra magar med mikrober under en minst sagt sinnesutvidgande resa.

In Norse mythology, in the manuscripts of Gylfaginning, Jörd is one of the giants from the Norse stories of beginning – equal to Nótt (night) and Dagr (day). Our relation to, and ancient narratives of, the soil as the life-giver, is present in many mythologies. A long time has passed since we primarily served the soil for our existence, somehow along the way we seem to have lost our strong connection with, and deeper understanding of cultivating the ground we walk on. Or we might even say losing connection with ourselves, as soil and the human gut contain approximately the same number of active microorganisms. The number of microorganisms in our guts has slowly been diminishing, as we have gotten accustomed to urban living with an increasing diet of increasingly processed food. As we know, microorganisms are also affecting our moods and the gut is also part of controlling our brain – this is becoming an interlinked chain. Slowly we are realizing that we must cultivate our soil, relearn how to create the best conditions for growing life, cultivate our guts and revitalize our soul and brain. So lets’ get dirty and in contact with the soul of the soil!