Soil Stories Workshop, 28 May
Seven participants gathered for a study visit to two places, first Vackstanäs gymnasium a few kilometers outside Södertälje, where, among other things, horticulturist training is offered, and second at the community-supported agriculture (CSA) Under tallarna in Järna. For four hours we talked about different forms of cultivation, large and small. I presented some of the issues that the Humus Economicus project is working with, and laid them out in writing on the table where we were sitting outdoors. The participants then had about 15 minutes to formulate their soil stories. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their thoughts and experiences!
After the first Soil Celebration in Malmö and Lund in April, 2021, Germund Sellgren in the Humus Economicus Collaboratory has continued to host workshops where soil stories and memories can be shared. Glimpses from these will be posted under the category ‘Soil Stories’ to the right. Below follows some quotes in Swedish.
Jord är förmultning
Kalle Lindeborg
Jord är mångfald av liv
Jord är livgivande
Jord är lugnande
Foto: Germund Sellgren