Seminar and Workshops: Humus Economicus and Curating Time – Art, Research and Environmental Humanities in Times of Transition, 16 Februari (online)
Welcome to a seminar and afternoon workshop sessions where we will explore how environmental humanities could contribute to social and cultural change. In the morning we offer a broad introduction to the subject with examples from international as well as Swedish research projects that tackle climate issues in various ways, across disciplinary boundaries, with a focus on natural/cultural heritage, urban development, museums, and art. In the afternoon we meet again for creative workshop sessions, departing from themes such as groundwork, relating through time, and intergenerational ethics.
The seminar will be held in Swedish and is jointly organized by the two Formas-funded projects Humus economicus (SHM/LiU/KTH) and Curating Time/Seedbox (SU/UU). The research projects are connected to National Historical Museums (SHM), Stockholm University (SU), Uppsala University (UU), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Linköping University (LiU). Full program and research project descriptions can be found in the Swedish post, here.