‘Below Ground with the Podcast Arwidsson Talks

Arwidsson Talks, a podcast focusing on sustainable urban development, got interested in Humus economicus’ concept ”soil blindness” and invited Malin Lobell and Jenny Lindblad from the research team for a conversation on soils in the city. The podcast is in Swedish and can be listened […]

Between Earthworms and Satellites

For Sentinel-1, a satellite pair orbiting planet Earth to meticulously and regularly scan its surface, my allotment garden covers four pixels, almost. The pixels have a resolution of 10 x 10 meters. The essential thing about these pixels is that they are not sealed with […]

Exhibition: Four Sisters for Planthroposcene

This artwork and eco-social sculpture celebrates reciprocal human-plant-soil relations through an installation and a growing site at Malmö Art Museum, Sweden. In an indoor film and sound installation, focusing on a special kind of maize and the Three Sisters companion planting, seeds are bathing in […]