Meet us at the Climate Existence Conference in Sigtuna – August 16-18.
We are exited to join the activities offered at this year’s Climate Existence Conference and to host a morning workshop on Friday, August 18, called Toxic Heritage, or How to Wash an Island. This time it is the artistic team of Humus economicus – Janna Holmstedt, Malin Lobell and Karin Wegsjö – who also collaborate in the art platform (p)Art of the Biomass, that host the session. Special workshop guest: Eléonore Faurét from the virtual Rough Planet Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne.
We bring a story about an artificial island in Sweden that most people never have heard of. The island exists because synthetic fertilizers exist. This post-industrial, readymade sculpture created from phosphogypsum stands as a monument over the future optimism of yesteryear, when the green revolution set out to feed the world. Through re-visiting this island and its legacy together with you, we wish to contemplate what kind of heritage it could be said to be; what it asks us to remember, and what kind of ceremonies or economies it might inspire for the future. The session combines film, lecture performance, and co-created speculative storytelling.